Subtracting Fractions Level 3

The 5-step plan

In level 3 of Subtracting Fractions we have equivalent fractions with cardinal numbers. The sums need to be solved in 3 steps. First subtract the cardinal numbers. Then subtract the numerators, and then see if the answer can be simplified.

Step 1 - Don't forget to simplify

Step 2 - Drag the correct answer


Step 3 - Don't forget to simplify

Step 4 - Multiple choice questions

Try to answer all the 10 questions right!

Step 5: Get your diploma

Answer all the 10 questions right to get the diploma!

Subtracting Fractions 3 diploma

Description Subtracting Fractions 3

Example 1: 335 - 215
Are the denominators the same? Yes, they are.
Now we subtract the cardinal numbers and then the numerators. The cardinal numbers: 3 - 2 = 1. And then the numerators. 3 - 1 = 2. We then get the answer 125 Can we simplify? No, that's not possible.

The answer is 335 - 215 = 125

Example 2: 334 - 314
Are the denominators equivalent? Yes, they are.
Now we can subtract the cardinal numbers and then the numerators. First the cardinal numbers. That is 3 + 3 = 0. You don't need to write down a 0 as cardinal number in front of the fraction. And then we subtract the numerators. 3 - 1 = 2

We then get the answer 24 Can we simplify this? Yes, that's possible. 24 = 12.

The answer is 334 - 314 = 12